Time: 16:00 to 20:00 CEST
Date: August 25, 2021
Format: Hybrid
Participants: 3 in-person / 23 virtual
The ME event in Germany entitled “Experiencing and creating culture together – Augmented Reality in European educational projects on cultural heritage” was implemented on August 25, 2021, from 16:00 to 20:00 CEST in a hybrid format. The event lounge was set up at the premises of the FHM Bielefeld and equipped with hardware for video-conferencing. In-person participants of the event were the internal project team (Jochen Dickel, Olga Zubikova, Florian Feilmeier), FHM Vice-Rector for Research & Development Prof. Dr. Volker Wittberg, and 3 external guests from the Berufskolleg Senne (Bielefeld). The presentations and discussions, which took place in the event lounge, were broadcasted to virtual guests via the platform Microsoft Teams.
16:00: Welcoming speech by Prof. Wittberg;
16:15: Overall presentation of the CultApp project by Prof. Dickel;
16:45: Presentation of the CultApp results (with three 15-minutes breaks in between):
Result 1: Compendium of AR practices „Augmented Reality meets Cultural Heritage“ by Olga Zubikova);
17:15: Result 2: Online training program for teachers „Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage Education” AR4CHE by Prof. Dickel;
18:15: Result 3: Augmented Learning Project – overall presentation by Jochen Dickel followed by the live group discussion with the invited teacher and two learners from the Berufskolleg Senne who participated in the AL project work and shared their experience;
19:00: Experiencing AR City Map live: learners from the BK Senne demonstrated selected results of the AL work (AR images) using iPad connected with the conference camera so that virtual guests could observe on their monitors what happens in the event lounge when scanning the AR images by learners.
20:00: Goodbye. As follow-up, event participants were asked to fill in a short online evaluation survey designed by the FHM team
Presentations from the event
Behind the scenes
using the app IRL The full team